See a Positive Difference
in Your Dog After Just One Lesson! *
See a Positive Difference
in Your Dog After
Just One Lesson! *
Over 90% 4 & 5 Star Ratings
Over 2 Million Satisfied Dog Owners
Perfect for ALL DOGS!
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- Command Collar® w/4 extra separate links
Online streaming site with over 70 classes on Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog


- Command Collar® w/4 extra separate links
Online streaming site with over 70 classes on Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog

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Your Dog Can Be a PERFECT DOG
No Matter the Breed, Size, Age, or Temperament

Easy to Follow:
Learn simple and clear verbal and visual commands that immediately get your dog's attention.

Unique Training Tools:
Includes Don's personally designed and patented Command Collar and Freedom Training Lines. Not available anywhere else!

Solve All Common Problems:
No more leash pulling and lunging, jumping up, excessive barking, stealing food, destructive chewing, biting, digging, and much more!

Keep Your Dog Safe:
Teach your dog to respect boundaries like an open door, front yard, roadway, and even campsite perimeters with Don's unique and powerful Boundary Line Training feature.

Think Like a Dog:
Learn how your dog thinks and what motivates your dog to follow your lead, whenever and wherever you go!

Build the Strongest Bond Possible:
Create a fulfilling relationship with your dog and enjoy solid, mutually beneficial training results that last a lifetime.

Get Rapid, Superior Results:
Proven more effective than other training programs or classes. Transforms the “whole” dog - heart, mind, and soul.

Online Streaming Lessons:
Computer, phone or tablet -whichever you prefer! Access Don's secrets anywhere for training at home, in the field, and on the go.
How Does It Work?
Don Sullivan's system works so well because it's a COMPLETE system.
Your Dog Will Learn These Commands (and MUCH more…!)

Don has taken his 35 years of training success and matched it with his carefully-designed training tools that are just right for connecting with the core nature that all canines share.
Don has then packaged everything that dog owners both 'need' and 'need to know' into a simple, easy-to-learn complete system - that anyone can follow to achieve the same amazing, rapid results that Don himself achieves.
Now you can train your very own perfect dog, just like a pro!
Shocks or zaps: The Command Collar is NOT an electronic collar.
The natural way: The Perfect Dog system mimics the "mother/puppy" pack relationship. It features scientifically proven nature-based principles.
Treat bribery: Food-based training has lots of limitations and can cause many problems. Don's system DOES NOT use food at all!
The best rewards: Don highlights praise and play as the best (and most desired!) rewards for good behavior. Learn how to maximize fun and exercise with your best friend.
Boring training drills: Have fun by easily incorporating Don's methods into the daily routine with your dog. Save time and energy!
Self-control: Your dog will show you attention and learn to self-govern inside and outside the home, without needing constant restraints, devices, or bribes to listen. Transform your dog from the inside out!

Used By Dog Industry Professionals Nationwide!
“I’m a dog trainer and I get great results from your methods. You’re such an inspiration and a mentor to so many. You rule brother!”
—Scott M. (Birmingham, AB)
"I’m a breeder...and I use your training DVDs and collar on my dogs, as well as strongly suggesting them to my puppy buyers. It makes a huge difference in the happiness of the dogs and their families. I can’t say enough about your method and the results I get!"
—Nancy N. (Mexico, NY)
“My husband is a veterinarian, and he recommends your system to his clients. So thankful for this brilliantly designed collar and training program.”
—Karen K. (Tarpon Springs, FL)
Don Sullivan’s system works because it helps you to:
Bring a Sense of Calm & Security to Your Dog
One of the biggest mistakes people make is believing dogs think like humans. They don’t. Dogs are pack animals, and by showing that YOU are the trusted leader of your "home pack," you'll bring a sense of calm and security to your dog, and all those problem behaviors will start to disappear.

With typical dog training, the more lessons you take, the more money the trainers earn as you come back again and again. Don’s system eliminates all of this time, money and effort because you get access to all his training secrets (and the immediate results they achieve) straight away!
Don't just settle for learning the standard "sit, stay, and come." With Don's system, your dogs can quickly reach the ultimate "Freedom Obedience" level, and they will love you for giving them the best life possible with maximum freedom, fun, exercise, safety, and harmony.

Don’s system works on all dogs because it connects with the common core nature that canines share. Puppies as young as 8 weeks old, senior dogs, pure & mix breeds, rescues, and even those with strong breed instincts - every dog can be the Perfect Dog! And best of all, the training lasts a lifetime because it transforms the dog from the inside out.
A Message From "The DogFather":
One of the deepest desires of my heart is for everyone to realize the great potential that lies within their dogs - and to see them create a relationship with their dogs that maximizes freedom, health, safety, and love.
I constantly hear from people who were exhausted from trying everything and ready to give up on their dogs. Then, they saw my Perfect Dog system, ordered it, and it worked!
I've put my life's work into designing my system, with all my lessons and carefully designed training tools, and it's so rewarding to know that my training has transformed the lives of millions of dog lovers around the world. And, I'm humbled by the fact that my system has literally saved the lives of so many dogs.
Our dogs truly deserve the best life possible, and with my Perfect Dog system you can give them this priceless gift.
About Don
• Former marine wildlife trainer
• Host of the national TV show, "Doggin' It"
• Host of the "Train Your Dog Like a Pro" PBS Pledge Special
• International media expert on dog behavior
• Published author of "Wake Up and Smell the Poop!"
• Dog aggression specialist
• Renowned for his 7-minute behavior makeovers
Success Stories
“I’ve used it with 42 foster dogs”
- Rick -

“It really was a success story”
- John & Rebecca -
“Before we started training Max, he was such a nightmare! He was so destructive… We were all set to give him up. But, once we adopted Don Sullivan’s training system, Max has taken a U-turn! He’s such a good dog now!”
- Anju & Francis -
“I originally needed a service dog, and the price tag… I didn’t have it. I felt hopeless… then I heard about Don Sullivan’s dog training. And, the ADA permits you to train your own service dog…Honestly, it was just eye-popping amazing! The best thing is, it’s so easy.”
- Kita -
"The wonderful thing about Don Sullivan’s training program is that you see results right away. There’s that confidence and that trust that our dog is not going to dart off somewhere…. The first time we stepped out, Enzo was stopping at crosswalks!”
- Raphael & Amanda -
“I have to tell you, it made our dog, it made our life - it was just terrific. All of my children, though they love their dogs, they’d rather have Orchid! Thank you, Don Sullivan, for the joys that you helped us get from our dog.”
- Sheldon & Susan - 11 years later story -
Don't Just Take Our Word For It! These reviews are from 100% verified buyers of The Perfect Dog
No Treats – Just Results with Patented Training Tools!
With Don’s system, there are no tricks, no gimmicks, no electronic gadgets, and absolutely no food bribery - just sound, proven principles matched together with his patented training tools.
Tools like the...
- Command Collar: Designed to mimic the way a mother dog trains her young pups.
- Freedom Training Lines: These are not just ordinary leashes. They're a graduated set of special lines designed teach your dog self-control and quickly achieve the goal of off leash freedom obedience.
These tools are unique to Don’s system and can’t be found anywhere else!

Command Collar® Sizing Chart

Small Command Collar®
Measures 5.5 inches to 18.5 inches in length
Suitable for tiny, small, & medium dogs such as:
American Eskimo
Beagle / Bijon
Pomeranian / Poodle
Shih Tzu
Spaniels / Terriers
*Also suitable for larger breed puppies

Large Command Collar®
Measures 7 inches to 24 inches in length
Suitable for large & extra large dogs such as:
Chow Chow / Collie
German Shepherd
Great Dane
Labrador / Labradoodle
Standard Poodle

See a Positive Difference in Your Dog After Just One Lesson!*

- Command Collar® w/4 extra separate links
Online streaming site with over 70 classes on Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog

30 Day Money Back Guarantee**

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Ships from U.S.in 1-2 Business Days

30 Day Money Back Guarantee**

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Ships from U.S. in 1-2 Business Days